444 Commercial St
Provincetown, MA 02657

4 Colors Sake
October 19 – 26, 2022.
Opening on Friday night.
The Roney Street 4 is comprised of women who have spent their lives dedicated to the arts, both as art leaders and as creators. They have made an impact in their community as women curators, designers, and teachers, all while raising families and maintaining a consistent artistic practice in their studios. Making art can be a solitary process; a few years ago the group came together to support one another and to share ideas, techniques, wine, and laughter.
4 Colors Sake at Gallery 444 In Provincetown will celebrate the work, love, inspiration and friendship of artists Lisa Ashley Lisa Baird , Sutton Hays, and Vicki Vinton. Join them October 19-26 for some color, wine inspiration, and fun.
Instagram: roneystreet4
Web: www.lisaashley.net www.lisabaird.net www.sutton-hays.com www.vrvinton.com